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We’re Here to Make Healthy Easy!

See this week’s lunch menu and access macros list for sides

Want help with supper?  Join the community of cooks on Patreon learning from our Living Cookbook!


Do you want to learn to cook?

Do you want to expand the recipes you prepare? Do you want to make the things we serve at lunch? If you answer yes to any of these questions then join our Patreon community and let’s get busy! 

Each month, three recipes are added to the cookbook. It includes a detailed instructional video and the recipe—including prep ahead steps. Maggie, Dana’s grandma name, gives tips and hacks throughout the video that will help you build confidence in the kitchen and impress your family and friends!

Join us on Patreon and learn how to cook like a boss!

We also have a YouTube channel with loads of basic cooking skills videos.  Check it out and get a feel for how Maggie can teach you in the kitchen! 


Our Dining Room

Our daily lunches are served from 11:00 to 2:00, Tuesday - Friday, and Saturday brunch is served from 10:00 to 2:00. All of our lunches are made fresh in-house using locally sourced foods, so our menu changes every week depending on what is in season!  We're the only locally owned, certified gluten-free, and dairy-free options restaurant in Louisiana. Please join us today to see what's cooking!


We prepare and serve 100% gluten-free meals and have dairy-free options using primarily organic ingredients. All of our meats are pastured and primarily locally sourced. We have a passion for supporting local farms and food artisans that "do it right" by raising, growing, and creating the best food for our bodies and taste buds. We are proud to work with our local farmers!


   Take Healthy Home!

Learn More


Ready-Made Meals

At for His temple family foods, you can nourish your body with healthy, gluten-free meals. Our take-out dishes and casseroles are ready for you to grab from the cooler or freezer - heat and eat. We also have a "Meal RX" where you can get your week’s worth of meals pre-packaged and ready to keep your body healthy on-the-go. Need a family sized casserole for a busy night? We have that too!

Make It At Home

Market and CSA


We are a restaurant accredited as a “Great Kitchen” by the Beyond Celiac Organization, f/k/a the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA). This accreditation signifies our knowledge and focus on serving only gluten-free foods.

Our Founder

Dana started for his temple family foods in January of 2015 after leaving a 28-year mortgage banking career. She was inspired to combine her love for cooking with her passion for healthy foods and offer it to others. There was lots of testing, planning, and prepping that led to opening the doors of for His temple family foods in September of 2015. What started out as take-home meals only has expanded into daily lunch offerings, baked goods, casseroles to order, meal rx and more. But, there is more on the horizon! Dana's wheels are always turning and God is always guiding and providing. Dana is married to the world's best husband, Eddie, and with six kids and eight grandchildren, Dana understands the importance of cooking the best food possible for them.

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